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Doctors for Daughters- Doctors' Dilemmas

Doctors for Daughters- Doctors' Dilemmas
Doctors for Daughters- Doctors' Dilemmas


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Doctors for Daughters- Doctors' Dilemmas

Publication date

27 May 2016

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This leafl et is a result of interactions between many doctors and senior IMA members who have openly shared their ideas and views regarding pre-natal sex selection. It is an attempt to respond to the dilemmas faced by doctors in their day-to-day practice in dealing with this issue, dilemmas which are not only real but also complex. There is a common concern about how to communicate when faced with questions from clients and peers. The responses given below are not ‘right answers’ but an eff ort to aid the process of resolving dilemmas and confl icts; of enhancing communication with clients and the medical fraternity. The responses rely on the provisions of the law and the concepts of equality and non-discrimination