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Doctors for Daughters- An information kit for the medical community to address pre-natal sex selection

Doctors for Daughters- An information kit for the medical community to address pre-natal sex selection
Doctors for Daughters- An information kit for the medical community to address pre-natal sex selection


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Doctors for Daughters- An information kit for the medical community to address pre-natal sex selection

Publication date

27 May 2016

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As members of a profession which has a privileged status and has bestowed on us a position of honour, it is our ethical responsibility to ensure that no one from our profession indulges in unethical and unlawful practices. The Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994– and its subsequent amendment in 2003 as the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act (PC & PNDT Act) were not brought into force because common people were resorting to sex selection, but because the medical fraternity made it possible and easy for them to do so.