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Resource Package for Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS)

Resource Package for Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS)
Resource Package for Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS)


UNFPA and The YP Foundation


Resource Package for Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS)

Publication date

31 August 2021

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The resource package on Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS) is specifically developed by UNFPA in collaboration with The YP Foundation.  The package includes resource materials to be used for training and sensitization of ASHAs and service providers including doctors, nurse-midwives and health managers, in order to enable them to understand the common SRH needs of young people, and to help them build their skills to provide respectful, confidential and non-judgmental SRH services to young people.

The resource package consists of:

  • Reference handbook for service providers (English)
  • Facilitator's guide for training of service providers (English)
  • Reference handbook for ASHAs (English and Hindi)
  • Facilitator's guide for training of ASHAs (English and Hindi)