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These girls from Maharashtra are using 3D charts to share their experiences

These girls from Maharashtra are using 3D charts to share their experiences


These girls from Maharashtra are using 3D charts to share their experiences

calendar_today 15 March 2018

Adolescents in Maharashtra

The International Women’s Day event was observed at Thane, which consisted of street plays performed by adolescents, interspersed with narration of personal experiences of the participants, especially change agents. The adolescents narrated their experiences from the UNFPA supported Adolescent Empowerment Programme, implemented by partner SNEHA and spoke about the sessions, workshops for the participants and efforts to engage ecosystem such as parents or police system. The street plays depicted the issues of street harassment, mobility, and empowerment of girls - written, directed and performed by the girls themselves.


One of the change agents, while describing her journey after joining SNEHA, said, “When I enrolled in the program at the behest of one of the Community Organisers, I would feel scared even to talk to a stranger. My feet would start shaking if I had to interact with a group of unknown people.” However, no trace of that former diffidence was visible in the confident and articulate person that she had turned into.

"The adolescents had prepared 3D charts to depict their learning from the sessions they had attended. It was later revealed that they had taught themselves – through youtube and other internet resources – different ways to make 3 dimensional charts. Those who had attended jewelry making workshop, had made quilling jewelry. The charts and jewelry stall were put up at the venue"

Anchors shared with the audience that a number of times instances of street violence and their new-found confidence to confront the perpetrators, get support of other people in vicinity and /or to report the violence to police. Another participant spoke about receiving the designation of Police Mitra (Friend of Police) from Police itself, after the safety audit conducted by her group of adolescents.

Boys from the community were also invited to the event, they too shared their experience of being associated with the project and performed a play titled "No Means No" related to issues of consent in relationships. The boys also talk about issues like safety of women and shared that they feel more empathetic towards victims of violence while performing the role of a victim of violence during the street plays!