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Strengthening Health sector response to violence- A Kit

Strengthening Health sector response to violence- A Kit
Strengthening Health sector response to violence- A Kit



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Dr. Jagadeesh Narayanareddy


Strengthening Health sector response to violence- A Kit

Publication date

01 December 2017

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The kit is a compilation of reading/learning and communication material on Instituting a health sector response to violence against women. It has the following material

o   A booklet compiling answers to frequently asked questions by medical professionals during medical examination of survivors of sexual violence.


o   A handbook for medical officers for medical examination of survivors of sexual violence providing a step by step guide for MOs to follow when a survivor of sexual violence reports to a       health facility


o   Case law regarding medical evidence in relation to sexual violence, this is a compilation of precedent setting case law on rape to inform health care providers regarding the relevance         of medical evidence in relation to sexual violence.


o   A set of nine posters on health sector response to violence against women. Seven of these are for women survivors of violence and two for health care providers


o   A set of three jingles informing women to approach a health facility in case she is facing violence.