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Integrating Gender in the Gram Panchayat Development Plan

Integrating Gender in the Gram Panchayat Development Plan
Integrating Gender in the Gram Panchayat Development Plan


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Integrating Gender in the Gram Panchayat Development Plan

Publication date

08 March 2022

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UNFPA works with Panchayati Raj Institutions - Elected Representatives and Panchayati Raj Officials to address discriminatory norms and practices that contribute to the low value of women and girls resulting in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and harmful practices like gender-biased sex selection (GBSS), child marriage, etc. This will be done by integrating gender as part of the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) by localizing the Sustainable Development Goal- 5 (Gender Equality).

The module explains why gender should be integrated as part of the GPDP and how. It also elaborates in detail the role of panchayats in addressing the various targets under SDG -5.


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27 April 2020
