The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations and academic institutions for prospective partnership with UNFPA India Country office to support achievement of results outlined in the 2023-2027 DP/FPA/CPD/IND/10 or section 1.3 below.
Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals” at the following address UNFPA India Country Office
By 15 January 2025, 23:59 hours IST.
Proposals received after the date and time may not be accepted for consideration.
Proposals must be submitted in English.
Any requests for additional information must be addressed in writing by 20 December 2024, 23:59 hours IST at the latest addressed to Operations Manager, UNFPA will post responses to queries or clarification requests by any applicants through emails to the concerned parties before the deadline for submission of proposals.
UNFPA shall notify applying organizations whether it is considered for further action.
Section 1: Background
UNFPA mandate (250 Words)
UNFPA is the United Nations’ sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.
UNFPA Programme of Assistance in India Country office (250 Words)
In the India Country Office, UNFPA works with the government and other partners to achieve the overall goal of the 2023-2027 DP/FPA/CPD/IND/10.
Further information on the programme can be found on]
Terms of reference
UNFPA is the United Nations’ sexual and reproductive health agency and has been operating in India since 1974. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled ensuring rights and choices for all.
The 10th Country Programme (2023-27) of UNFPA is inspired by its Strategic Plan (2022 – 2025) and is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, supporting in achieving the National Development Goals and the Agenda 2030. UNFPA will support national programmes that aim to advance the sexual reproductive health and rights of women, girls, and young people, and accelerate achieving the three transformative goals of zero unmet need for family planning, zero preventable maternal deaths and zero gender based violence and harmful practices and the unfinished agenda of ICPD Programme of Action.
While continuing to retain focus in the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Rajasthan, the 10th country programme will scale up efforts and drive accelerated progress towards the three transformative results.
UNFPA has been supporting the roll-out of national and state flagship programmes working towards achieving the three transformative results. In Odisha, UNFPA is collaborating with the Department of Mission Shakti, Government of Odisha to roll out a project on “Social Empowerment of Women through the Women Self-Help Groups of Mission Shakti in Odisha”. The overall purpose of the project is to empower women self-help group members in Odisha for improved sexual and reproductive health and rights, address gender-based violence, and enhance gender digital divide through their digital and financial literacy and skills so that women are valued and experience safer, healthier and empowered life transitions.
The project is being implemented in a phased manner over a period of three years, starting from 2022. It envisions training nearly 600,000 SHG members from across Odisha on digital and financial literacy and increasing the awareness on sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as existing legislations and support mechanisms around gender-based violence and harmful practices. The trained cadre of women will be called DigiShaktis. The trainings are being carried out in a cascading model with Master Trainers at State Level (district and block level federation leaders), DigiShakti trainers at District level (selected SHG members from Gram Panchayat and Urban local bodies who will be trained by Master Trainers) and DigiShakti Learners at SHG level (SHG members who will be trained by DigiShakti trainers).
UNFPA provides technical support to the Department of Mission Shakti through its team placed there consisting of a SRHR Specialist, Digital and Financial Literacy Specialist and Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. UNFPA also has a technical agency that has prepared the training materials including trainers’ manual, flipbook, activity material and Learning Management System including an android app and web portal for training and monitoring purposes. The agency also imparted training to Master trainers.
Over the past two and half years, the project saw the following progress:
- Around 300 district and block level federation leaders have been trained as Master Trainers.
- State, district and block officials of Mission Shakti Dept oriented on the project, targets and thematic areas.
- District and Block officials and block level federation leaders have been oriented on the project themes, activities, and goals.
- Nominated DigiShakti trainers have also been oriented on the same.
- Training materials finalised and vetted by the Dept of Mission Shakti
- Development LMS including android app and web portal
- Three exposure visits to national organisations working on women entrepreneurship and empowerment were conducted.
- State level workshop for State PMU on demographic transitions in Odisha and women entrepreneurship.
In the coming year, the project aims to conduct the refresher training of Master Trainers, training of DigiShaktis (trainers and learners), monitoring of the trainings and acknowledgement management through collaboration, documentation, and national and international exposure visits.
This invitation for proposal is for an organisation/agency to serve as UNFPA’s key partner for implementation of the Mission Shakti project in 30 districts of Odisha. UNFPA and the Department of Mission Shakti shall provide necessary technical assistance through its Technical Support Unit, as well as a learning management and monitoring system to facilitate training sessions. Mission Shakti District and Block Project Officials will also support review and monitoring of project implementation at the district and block levels.
The overall purpose of the project is to empower women self-help group members in Odisha for improved sexual and reproductive health and rights, address gender-based violence, and enhance their digital and financial skills so that women are valued and experience safer, healthier and empowered life transitions.
Its specific objectives are to:
- promote digital and financial literacy among the members of WSHGs for improving their social and economic development;
- improve awareness of WSHG members on their rights and entitlements related to health and wellbeing, and enhance their understanding of existing legislations and support mechanisms to address violence and discrimination;
- establish partnership with institutes of repute for knowledge management and technology transfer through adaptive and continuous learning on effective pathways of women’s empowerment.
Establishment of Project Team
A State level Project Team, consisting of a State Program Manager, Program Assistant, and an Accounts Officer will be set up at the state level for overall management and coordination of implementation. The Program Manager will have the overall responsibility of planning and monitoring and will facilitate capacity building activities under the overall guidance of the Project Director of the organization. At the regional level, 6 Regional Program Officers and at district level, District Coordinators will be placed to support implementation of the activities, monitoring, and reporting.
In the one year, following trainings have to be conducted:
Refresher training of Master trainers
Around 300 federation leaders have been trained as Master Trainers on Digital & financial literacy, sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence, and Learning Management System (LMS). A three-day refresher training of these Master Trainers is to be conducted in the respective districts.
Training of SHG women as DigiShakti Trainers
The trained master trainers of the district will in turn, train and build capacities of three WSHG members from each of the Gram Panchayats (GPs)/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) through district-level training programmes planned for 5 days on these topics. The master trainers will also be assigned the responsibility of supporting the DigiShaktis to extend handholding support for training and monitoring. District coordinator of PMU will facilitate and monitor the training of DigiShaktis by Master Trainers.
Training of WSHG members by DigiShaktis
Each of the certified trainers (DigiShaktis) would in turn train around 30 WSHG members from their area. An incentive of Rs. 100 would be paid to the DigiShaktis for training and certifying each WSHG member. The progress of the training and certification will be monitored through the developed LMS. In situations, where mobile connectivity and access to the internet is a challenge, training programmes will be organized at a suitable location where connectivity is available. District coordinators of PMU will facilitate and monitor these trainings and payment of incentives upon completion of trainings.
Orientation of Mission Shakti state, district and block level officials on the LMS (android app and web portal)
An orientation session will be organized for Mission Shakti officials at the state, district, and block levels to introduce them to the Learning Management System (LMS) available through an Android app and a web portal. This training aims to equip officials with the skills needed to navigate and utilize the LMS effectively, ensuring they can efficiently manage and monitor project activities, training completion, and other related tasks. Through hands-on demonstrations and guided support, officials will gain familiarity with essential features of the platform, enabling streamlined communication and reporting across various administrative levels.
Knowledge Management
Exposure visit
Exposure visits to institutions working on women’s empowerment will be organized for state- and district-level officials, including women leaders or WSHG members from Mission Shakti, for cross-learnings on poverty eradication and empowerment through women’s collectives. Examples of such institutions include Kudumbashree, the Kerala State Poverty Eradication Mission for Women; and Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM).
Promising case studies, lessons learnt and experiences from the field will be documented concurrently during the course of the project. One monograph and/or video document will be produced in a year.
Incentives for the DigiShakti Trainers
DigiShakti trainers will receive incentives for each WSHG member they successfully train and certify. The progress of these training and certification activities will be closely monitored through a dedicated application already developed specifically for this purpose. Additionally, a system needs to be designed and implemented to manage incentive payments to the DigiShakti trainers and to track the status of these payments effectively.
Indicative Results and Outputs:
Indicator 1: Project Team Established
(Baseline: No; Target: Yes)
Indicator 2: No.of Digi Shaktis trained from GP/ULBs on digital and financial literacy, RHR and GBV
(Baseline: 0, Target: 22000; MOV: Training Reports)
Indicator 3: System for Incentive Payments designed and developed/
(Baseline: No; Target: Yes)
Indicator 4: Number of exposure visits for cross-learnings on women’s empowerment through collectives undertaken
(Baseline: 3, Target 5 (cumulative))
Indicator 5: A video document / monograph documenting case studies, lessons learnt and experiences of the project produced (Baseline : No; Target : yes)
The project will cover all the 30 districts of Odisha.
The proposal is sought for a period of one year starting from January 2025. Annual budget is to be submitted for this one year. UNFPA will provide financial support on an annual basis depending on the availability of funds and progress of the project.
To be eligible for evaluation of its Proposal, the Applicant shall fulfill the following:
- Technical Capacity: The Applicant shall have undertaken assignments of similar nature on women empowerment including SRHR, GBV and Digital and Financial Literacy
- Experience in the required field-The applicant should have
undertaken training assignments directly in at least one of the
indicated thematic areas.
- Availability of Key Personnel: The Applicant shall make available the
core team on a full-time basis.
- Submit all the required documents as asked for in this IFP