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The Hunger Project Film #GirlsChangeTracks

The Hunger Project Film #GirlsChangeTracks


The Hunger Project Film #GirlsChangeTracks

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"Every girl no matter where she is born, should have a chance to reach her potential. Every girl has the right to be a girl and not a child bride"- Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin
When girls from a UNFPA supported girls' empowerment intervention in Bihar traveled to Rajasthan and met their peers, they realized that they have a lot more in common than they expected! Traveling to a different land, meeting other girls, forging friendships, and sharing stories and experiences made for a memorable journey. 
Bihar and Rajasthan are among the states with the highest prevalence of child marriage in India.  
The #GirlsChangeTracks campaign.is led by The Hunger Project (THP), a UNFPA partner. As part of the collaboration with THP, UNFPA is supporting a girls' empowerment based initiative in 5 districts of Bihar. The work with girls is embedded within THP's larger approach of strengthening women's political participation and building capacities of elected women representatives to address local development concerns.
UNFPA partners with the Government and Civil Society Organizations to support life-skills based targeted interventions with girls that enable them to delay marriage, attain education and skills, and develop to their full potential.