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Insights from a Changing India: The UNFPA India Storybook

Insights from a Changing India: The UNFPA India Storybook
Insights from a Changing India: The UNFPA India Storybook


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Insights from a Changing India: The UNFPA India Storybook

Publication date

07 October 2024

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"50 and Beyond" is a powerful collection of stories by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Outlook Group, highlighting the impact of UNFPA’s work in India over the last five decades. This storybook celebrates the strong partnerships—especially with the Government of India—and our shared commitment to advancing the rights and choices of all, with a focus on women and girls. As India continues its path of progress and innovation, these stories underscore the transformative power of women and youth in shaping a brighter, more equitable future. Together, we reflect on our accomplishments and the journey ahead to ensure rights and choices for everyone. The storybook is available in English and Hindi.
