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Political and Social Economy of Sex Selection' undertaken by CWDS for UNFPA

Political and Social Economy of Sex Selection' undertaken by CWDS for UNFPA
Political and Social Economy of Sex Selection' undertaken by CWDS for UNFPA


UNFPA and UNWomen

Number of pages



Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS)


Political and Social Economy of Sex Selection' undertaken by CWDS for UNFPA

Publication date

28 November 2018

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The Political and Social Economy of Sex Selection: 

This is a study of the adverse child sex ratio (CSR) conducted during 2015–17, and builds on
existing research on the subject, especially the study conducted by John et al. (2008) which
investigated the adverse child sex ratio in five districts of north west India in the wake of the
Census 2001 findings on CSRs. The sites of the study are entirely urban, in the towns of Rohtak
and Jhajjar in Haryana, and Shirur and Beed in Maharashtra. Haryana is known for its long history
of adverse CSRs while Maharashtra has received renewed attention after Census 2011 showed
further declines.
