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Balancing Sex ratios- Pathways to change

Situation Report

Balancing Sex ratios- Pathways to change

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Making Bhubaneswar Socially Smart


In an attempt to establish a socially smart city where people centric interventions are steered through youth and community engagement programmes, UNFPA, Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited (BSCL) and Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) joined hands in 2017 for the Smart City Mission. 

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Approaching Data Sources A Gender Lens


Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS), in partnership with UNFPA, had undertaken a desk review of various macro level data sources on women’s status based on select themes.   The selected themes for the study are Health Status; Educational Status; Economic Status; Violence against Women; and Demographic, Social and Political Status.

The objective of this exercise was to document the availability of data on key indicators which can be used to analyse the status of women in India. The study report provides detailed information on key indicators and related data sources, and gives the specificities and limitations of selected sources from a gender perspective in terms of coverage, methods and concepts used. The report also identifies a set of critical indicators for which data are non-existent, inadequate or of poor quality.
Additionally, the report offers guidelines and suggestions for improving the present status of statistics on women and on the possibilities of developing new data collection mechanisms and surveys.

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Addressing Harmful Practices in India Programme framework & strategies- A brochure


A brochure on "Addressing Harmful Practices in India Programme framework & strategies" . Programme Framework and strategies.

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Pathways to Transformation


A Photo Essay on Empowering Adolescent Girls and Ending Child Marriage in India

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Dignity, Safety, Freedom - A Photo Essay on Menstrual Health Matter


A photo essay on managing menstrual health as part of UNFPA’s programming for empowerment of adolescent girls

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State of the world population report 2019

State of the World Population Report 2019

State of World Population Report

The year 2019 marks two important milestones in the field of reproductive health and rights: 50 years since UNFPA began operations, and 25 years since the landmark International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo.

The report shows that while much has been gained, much remains to be done to empower those who are not yet able to enjoy their rights and whose choices are still constrained. The pursuit of rights and choices for all is ongoing, with new challenges emerging all the time. 


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UNFPA- ICPD25 Profile


UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled ensuring rights and choices for all. Alligned with the post-2015 development agenda and the global framework of the Sustainable Develppment Goals, UNFPA expands the possibilities for womn and young people to lead healthy and productive lives.

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Post-partum contraception - Brochure


Pregnancy is a unique experience for every woman. It is the joy one experiences before giving birth to a child. You can give joy to you and your family including newborn by keeping optimum spacing between your children.

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Frequently Asked Questions about DMPA (Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate) - Hindi


The Government of India introduced three new contraceptives in its public health system in 2016. UNFPA India has been assisting the Government of India in roll out of new contraceptives, including injectable contraceptives, and in ensuring high-quality services. This publication has been developed to address the questions frequently asked by health providers and managers on injectable contraceptives (DMPA).

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