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Health and Social Consequences of marital violence: A synthesis of evidence from India


This report synthesises what is known about the health and social consequences of marital violence for women in India. The review focuses on sexual, reproductive and child health consequences. It also reviews evidence of a range of social outcomes including substance use, women's autonomy and self efficacy; and inter-generational effects (witnessing parental violence when growing up). The study was undertaken with support from UNFPA.




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Implementation of the PCPNDT Act in India:Perspectives and Challenges


The study report focuses on two major aspects that are often the most significant of successful implementation of any law. One is the whole administrative set-up that is on offer to implement a law.   This study has therefore sought to understand the status of implementation structures and the current system of implementation being followed, specific focus on functionality. The second aspect of this study is the legal perspective and current status of legal activity in terms of case law documentation and legal rigour in reaching logical ends to an original complaint. Right through the effort, bottlenecks and barriers as identified have been mapped that they can be addressed and remedial measures rapidly brought into force.




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Declining child sex ratio in India (0-6)


Developed by Centre for Development Studies, for United Nations Population Fund. This book is an attempt towards understanding the varied perspective of declining child sex ratio (0-6) and how it has evolved over time. 

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Coordinated Responses to Violence Against Women


The report is a documentation of interventions supported by the UNFPA India Country Office. UNFPA has been working closely with the Government of India as well as with the state governments to strengthen health sector responses to violence against women (VAW). The report talks about interventions aimed at addressing VAW and facilitating preventive processes in five states - Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Kerala.




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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions: A Handbook for Medical Professionals


The medical community, which has the potential to play a major role in eradicating sex selection, has instead contributed to its prevalence. This handbook answers questions specific to medical professionals while outlining their responsibilities towards society.






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Frequently Asked Question and Answers on PCPNDT Act (Hindi)


Frequently Asked Questions on PCPNDT Act and their answers (Hindi)




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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions: A Handbook For The Public


This handbook for general public throws light on various provisions and applications of the PC & PNDT Act, and encourages people to be part of a social movement to actively discourage the rampant discrimination against girl child.




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Reflections On The Campaign Against Sex Selection and Exploring Ways Forward


Downward trend in Child Sex Ratio continues unabated in India. This UNFPA commissioned study takes stock of the initiatives taken so far, and presents a consolidated view of the reasons for the continuing decline in CSR.




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Doctors for Daughters- IMA Resolution to fight against Sex Selection


IMA expresses its concern over the declining male to female child sex ratio in the country
and its adverse consequences on the society. Prenatal sex determination needs to be
strongly condemned. Members of the Association are advised to desist from such illegal,
unethical and unsocial practice of prenatal sex determination. IMA is committed to work
on this issue proactively, for reversal of declining child sex ratio and ensuring a gender
balanced and healthy society.

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Making your Clinic and Hospital PCPNDT Act Compliant


The pamphlet was developed in collaboration with IMA and is meant primarily for clinics and practitioners so that the clinics and hospitals act in accordance with the Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994.




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