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COVID-19 Vaccination & Migrants - Leaving No One Behind

COVID-19 Vaccination & Migrants - Leaving No One Behind


“COVID-19 Vaccination & Migrants – Leaving No One Behind”, is an attempt to explore the migrant-specific nuances that ascer tain the extent of access to the COVID-19 vaccines.

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Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management for Persons with Disability

Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management for Persons with Disability


Given the increased attention to and investment in menstrual health and hygiene globally and in India, the limited discourse around the intersection of menstruation and disability is striking and needs attention and action. Attempting to fill these lacunae to the extent possible, this white paper outlines the key challenges and constraints faced by PwDs with regard to menstrual health and hygiene, and presents simple and potentially scalable solutions.

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Evaluation of the UNFPA Ninth Country Programme of Assistance to the Government of India

Evaluation of the UNFPA Ninth Country Programme of Assistance to the Government of India

Technical Reports and Document

In line with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) evaluation policy, country programme evaluation (CPE) of the ninth cycle of Programme (CP9) of Assistance to the Government of India (2018-2022) was conducted by an external, independent team of evaluators.

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A Research Study on Gender Sensitivity and the Coverage of Rape in the Indian News Media: Ten Years After the Nirbhaya Case


In the years that have followed after the brutal gang rape and murder of a young woman in December 2012, famously known as the 'Nirbhaya' case, there has been a concerted effort by media across the county to report more on sexual assault and rape. The aim of this research study titled ‘Gender Sensitivity and the Coverage of Rape in the Indian News Media: Ten Years After the Nirbhaya Case’ is to look beyond the quantity of rape reportage and instead assess the quality, in particular, how gender-sensitive the Indian media’s coverage of rape has been in the past decade. The research study has been supported by Population First, UNFPA and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in New Delhi.

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State of the World Population Report 2022: Seeing the Unseen | India Key Insights

Technical Reports and Document

Out of all unintended pregnancies that happen each year globally, more than one in seven of these cases occurs in India. Studies from India indicate that unintended pregnancy is associated with lower maternal health care utilization and poorer infant and maternal health outcomes. This highlights the criticality to focus on avoiding unintended pregnancies and consequently, complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and outcomes in terms of maternal and newborn health.

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State of the World Population Report 2022: Seeing the Unseen

State of World Population Report

Every human being has the right to bodily autonomy, and perhaps nothing is more fundamental to the exercise of that right than the ability to choose whether, when and with whom to become pregnant.

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State of the World Population Report 2022: Seeing the Unseen | Key Highlights

State of World Population Report

An estimated 121 million pregnancies per year take place in the bodies of women who did not choose pregnancy or motherhood, who were not planning to have a child at that time, with that partner, in those circumstances.

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Ringside view - Fellowship Articles on COVID and Gender

Ringside view - Fellowship Articles on COVID and Gender


Stories on COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on gender issues, along with a few more topics like the participation of women in panchayat elections, girl child,disability and adolescent sexual, reproductive health etc.

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The Flip Side - Media reporting through gender lens

The Flip Side - Media reporting through gender lens


This book helps the readers realize that it is the choice of the Journalists and content creator to focus on those themes and issues which are generally not pursued in the media and give the readers a peek into the unknown and unexplored aspects of social reality of gender and patriarchy.

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National Family Health Survey (NFHS5), 2019-21 | Key Insights on Fertility, Reproductive Health Services and Gender

Technical Reports and Document

A total of 31 States and Union Territories (constituting 69.7% of the country’s population) are below the replacement rate. By 2036, India will add an estimated 300 million persons to 1.21 billion people (2011 Census). States such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal will contribute to more than 50% of this increase.

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